What's New

Here's what's happening at Rebyc

Phishing Social Engineering

Phishing Attacks – Do’s and Don’ts to Protect Your Company

In Today’s world, a phishing attack is one of the most successful means a hacker uses to gain access to your data.  It’s not all that shocking given the improvements in technology, tools and education regardi...

Vulnerability Assessments

65% of Breaches Caused by a Third Party – How Well Do You Know Yours?

Hardly a day goes buy without a new headline about a high profile breach.  Pick up a local newspaper, or the NY Times or simply spend a few minutes on your LinkedIn thread and you’ll find news about Target, Home De...

Information Security Malware Penetration Testing Phishing Ransomware

Rebyc Security’s Patrick Barry at North Carolina Technology Association (@NCTA) Tech Talk Live

In case you missed it, @Rebycsecurity recently participated in a panel for the North Carolina Technology Association Tech Talk Live (@NCTA)event in Charlotte, NC.  The panel broke down some of the key differences between...

Information Security Vulnerability Assessments

6 Ways to Help Guard Against DDoS Attacks

Newly released news stories and YouTube videos have surfaced the past couple of weeks that have outlined new attack plans from the collective hacker group known as Anonymous.  The #OpIcarus campaign is calling for all An...

Breach Information Security Password Cracking Penetration Testing

Staying Safe After a Breach

In what’s becoming almost a daily occurrence, another breach has left usernames and hashed passwords exposed on the Internet.  Time Warner Business Class was recently breached by TeaMp0isoN, which dumped almost 4200 cred...

Chief Information Security Officer CISO Information Security

The Changing Dynamics of the CISO Role

The research team at Korn Ferry recently put out an excellent read on the “The Rise of the Chief Information Security Officer.”  It can be found here: The Rise of the Chief Information Security Officer Their ...

Rebyc Security

Rebyc Security Volunteers at Kids First of the Carolinas

Over this past weekend, we had the pleasure of participating in the Kids First of the Carolinas holiday weekend.  Each year, Sharon and Wendy and a host of helpers put in some long hours to ensure that several underprivi...

Rebyc Security

Today, We Launch Rebyc Security

As Yogi Berra famously said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it!!”  Throughout my entire career, I have been fortunate to work with some of the best entrepreneurial minds around. These are ...